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The World’s First Human/Dog Drinking Fountain

Those of us who are pet owners will most likely be aware of the fun and excitement which constitutes taking the dog for a walk. Whether it’s a short cycle around the local park or a hike for miles out into the countryside, man’s best friend will always be right next to us, sometimes trying to keep up but usually setting the pace themselves. As enjoyable as these walks usually are, it can be all too easy to forget that just like us, our dogs have specific dietary needs which must be met in order for them to stay healthy.

We all know about regular exercise and a balanced diet, both of which are essential for a dog to stay physically healthy. But did you know that dogs, just like us, also require a large amount of water each day? Experts suggest an ounce of fresh water per pound of body weight, but if you don’t have weighing scales to hand, it’s probably best to simply carry a bottle of water and a bowl with you on walks. Should your dog begin panting and salivating it’s probably begun to overheat, so you should immediately pour it a drink to counteract the moisture it has lost. If your dog’s eyes, nose and gums begin to appear dry, then it’s already dehydrated and you should stop as soon as possible for rehydration.

But, therein lies the problem. Most of us are reluctant to carry heavy drinks bottles around with us -let alone an extra one, complete with bowl, for the dog. If we struggle to keep ourselves hydrated, like over half of us do, then what hope do our pets have?

Fortunately, the installation of outdoor drinking fountain and bottle filling stations like theHalsey Taylor Endura II 4420 BFDB can have a big impact on this fundamental issue. The 4420 BFDB features a bottle filling tap, a bubbler tap and mouthpiece, and a separate fillable pet bowl. If you’re reluctant to carry a bottle and bowl with you on longer journeys, simply drink from the bubbler tap yourself and allow your dog to drink from the pet bowl.

Outdoor drinking fountains and bottle filling stations like the 4420 BFDB offer the cleanest, freshest water by connecting directly to the water mains and preventing any contamination from corrosion, the elements or other users. An evenly thick layer of paint applied through the electrical process of E-coat immersion ensures no rust will develop on the bottle filling station, and an in-line strainer will trap any germs or dirt particles if they’re larger than 0.14mm in size. Further protection against cross-contamination is offered with the inclusion of an integrated hood design, which prevents the spreading of airborne germs between users. This is especially useful in high volume area like parks or walking routes, which the 4420 BFDB is perfectly suited to due to its anti-vandal features and corrosion-resistant surfacing.

These anti-vandal water coolers features include a chrome plated one-piece bubbler tap, and simple push-button actuation mechanisms which allow you to easily control water flow, without the possibility of levers or switches being snapped or twisted off. Whether you’re filling up a bowl for the dog or your own bottle, pressing the button will simply provide you with up to a gallon of fresh water per minute, so you’ll be running, cycling or playing catch again before you know it.

If you’d like a vandal resistant outdoor drinking fountain and vandal-proof bottle filling station for your local park or dog walking route, the Endura II 4420 BFDB and many other models are available to purchase or rent from right here at MIW