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Why the Top 100 UK Companies Insist on Having Water Coolers

Following the steps of key businesses that have found success in the UK might not make you an overnight billionaire, but it is certainly a good way to pick up successful tricks. What is the one thing that the top 100 UK Companies have in common? Right from the UKRD Group at number 1 down to Ogilvy and Mather Group at 100; they all care about their employees. Any good employer does not see their staff as a means to an end, but sees them as a working body that needs to be happy and comfortable to thrive and propel the business forward.

The list of the Top 100 UK Companies, which is taken from the Sunday Times survey, takes into account employee feedback, including overall satisfaction regarding the management and benefits, therefore it comes from an employee-focused background. Although it might seem like a simple aspect of the work life, having drinking water is a basic human right and without it the working environment can be significantly inferior. By providing amenities that directly improve the day-to-day working life, such as water coolers and air conditioning, it reduces stress and improves the overall attitude of the employees. That might seem like a tall order for a simple chilled drinking fountain, but it is these small qualities that make the overall experience significantly better.

There are many reasons why there is a link between having a plumbed water cooler and featuring in this Top 100 Companies list and employee satisfaction features highly among them. Providing a refreshing and chilled drink that is available at all times ensures that each employee can stay hydrated and comfortable in all weathers, at no cost to themselves. Investing in a plumbed water dispenser or counter top water cooler shows that employee satisfaction and health is a priority, lifting spirits and ensuring that they feel safe and content with their employers. It is as much a matter of mental health and attitude as it is one of physical health. Those companies that insist on maximum work time by limiting water breaks and forbidding food and drink at desks might be saving on time spent away from desks, but they will be severely affecting the overall happiness of their employees and therefore reducing productivity.

Although this list does not outline the many ways that these companies have succeeded, it does show how small aspects of the working environment can affect the overall satisfaction of its employees. Having cold and hot water urns readily available is just one way to improve productivity, job satisfaction and the overall health of your employees. The cost is minimal, the options regarding the style of the water dispenser are varied and the response it always one of positivity.