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How to replace a filter to your water dispenser or drinking fountain

Step by step process for replacing your 6 month water filter or 12 month water filter to a mains fed water dispenser or drinking fountain.  

Shut off mains water to your water dispenser or drinking fountain.

Remove the water pipe – this is done by pressing the two sides of the collett which surrounds the water feed pipe.

Before fitting the new filter, check to see you have a pressure reducing valve fitted.  If not, it’s recommended that you fit one.  They cost around £20 and will protect your machine and filter against high water pressure spikes.

Your pressure reducing valve should be fitted inline before the water filter.

Both the pressure reducing valve and the water filter have a water flow direction arrow.  It’s important that these are fitted correctly so water flows in the direction of the arrow.

Firmly replace the water feed pipe, checking it’s secure.  Fix tight the water filter using a cable tie, turn on the mains water and flush several litres through your water dispenser or drinking fountain until the water runs clear.