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Drinking water boosts productivity

Every good manager knows that an energised workforce is key to sustaining a successful business.

Employees who are active and alert are more likely to deliver to the best of their ability.

But with staff based at their desks for large parts of the day, keeping work levels to a high is sometimes a challenge.

However, managers have found that if their team has access to fresh, cold water, this leads to an increase in productivity.

This is because drinking plenty of water keeps staff hydrated.

Dehydration can leave staff feeling tired, irritable and prone to headaches. It can also lead to long-term health issues. Not only does this affect workers’ wellbeing, but it is not conducive to productivity.

Yet staff who drink water regularly have improved concentration levels, more energy and a greater feeling of wellbeing.

Staff need to drink a recommended eight glasses of water a day in order to remain hydrated. This is easy to achieve when a fresh supply of water is readily available and within easy reach.

A mid-afternoon lull in activity is commonplace in some offices. Staff can feel sluggish and de-motivated, which leads to a dip in productivity.

While caffeine and sugary snacks can offer a short-term – and sometimes unhealthy fix – drinking water boosts mental and physical performance.

Water is an essential nutrient. It helps the brain to function effectively and offers a whole range of health benefits. And, as all good managers know, a healthy workforce is a happy workforce.

So, if you want to keep on top of the pace motivated and keep your team in peak condition then the answer is clear.

We’d love to hear your views on this subject. Do your staff drink enough water or would you like to encourage them to drink more?

Please share your thoughts below or come across to our Facebook page and comment