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The New Elkay EZH2O Sports Bottle Filler

Elkay’s UK Master Distributor MIW Water Cooler Experts is pleased to announce that the new updated Elkay EZH20Sports Bottle Filler which is soon to land in the UK. This latest model has several new features that make it easier to maintain and save energy, making it an excellent choice for architects, developers, and facility owners.

HALSEY TAYLOR EZh20 Bottle filling station

The original Elkay sports bottle filler was introduced in 2010 as a response to a growing demand for drinking water at a time when there was increasing public awareness concerning the environmental problems associated with bottled water. While previously we had installed many drinking fountains, these did not provide a convenient way of filling water bottles. The original Elkay EZH20 bottle filling station soon became popular and we have now installed many of them in a variety of locations, including colleges and university campuses, airports, sports facilities, and commercial premises.

The latest model of EZH2O sports bottle filler has several new features. There is now an energy saving function that can be programmed to reduce power consumption when the unit is not being used. The operator can choose to program the unit to switch off power to the refrigeration module while still allowing the sports bottle filler to dispense water.  This provides a significant energy saving. The other important upgrade concerns maintenance of the equipment. In previous models it was necessary to manually reset the monitor light after changing the filter. This now happens automatically when the filter is changed. This simple expedient reduces maintenance time significantly, saving around fifteen minutes on each filter change.

Another new feature of the latest model is its advanced fault detection and self-diagnosis function. Various sensors continually monitor the unit and, should any issue occur, it is detected immediately and a warning alert is displayed on a screen where it can be seen by maintenance staff. This means that any faults can be addressed rapidly so that down time is minimised. The result if end user experience is improved and fewer complaints are made to the facility manager.

These improvements are also appreciated by architects, facility owners, and managers enabling them to provide their guests, visitors and staff with modern facilities while maintaining energy efficiency and minimal waste.

For more information regarding this or any of Elkay’s range visit MIW.co.uk