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Helping Children Drink More Water

For those of us with young children, or even those with children who are now all grown up, the struggle to help your child take in enough water each day is probably still fresh in your mind. When half of the adverts on television are selling the latest fizzy soft drink, and seemingly healthy high-sugar fruit juices are available in more flavours than ever before, it can be difficult to get your child drinking enough water. After all, few of us can afford a drinking fountain in the kitchen! Few of us need reminding of the dangers of a lack of water, especially when we consider that due to their decreased body weight, children can become dehydrated far more easily than us adults.

Woman drinking water from a bottleIf your child becomes lethargic and inattentive, and complains of a dry mouth or throat, the chances are they’re dehydrated. Aside from the short term discomfort, chronic dehydration could even permanently impact your child’s growth and mental development. As concerning as this sounds, many of us are still letting our children become dehydrated. So what can be done to counteract this problem?

The major complaint received from thirsty children is usually that water tastes of nothing. This could be a result of too many sugary fruit juices or soft drinks, but regardless of the cause it remains a barrier between children and proper hydration.

Have you considered a low-sugar squash drink? Adding the smallest amount of blackcurrant or orange squash could make your child much happier, while still providing them with the hydration necessary to stay health – especially if they’re out all day playing with friends or learning at school.

You could also encourage them to eat more fruit. Not only is fruit full of essential vitamins and minerals, it’s also mainly water. Apples are 84% water, strawberries are 92%, and oranges are 87%. We rarely hear children complain about the taste of fresh fruit, so make sure they’re getting enough and help your children to stay hydrated.

Aside from taste, convenience is the next largest problem. It’s all too easy to grab a can of drink from the shelf or fridge, especially when we’re out for the day. However, this is why pressure for more outdoor drinking fountains has been growing recently. Outdoor drinking fountains like theHalsey Taylor HTV8-Q can be installed in parks, near play areas and even in the school playground, it is specially designed to offset child dehydration by providing a quick and convenient drink.

The HTV8-Q can be installed into a wall, at a regulation height of 24” or lower, for easy access to both children and the visually or physically impaired. A sensitive push-bar actuation mechanism means even those younger kids will easily be able to drink, and a smoothly contoured basin will prevent any spillages causing them a cold or ruining their school uniform. Two-stream water flow means any cups rapidly, and the combination of an anti-squirt feature and automatic stream height regulator means even sports bottles can be filled up for drinking later.

However, perhaps the most impressive feature of the HTV8-Q  outdoor drinking fountain is its refrigeration unit. Hermetically sealed and capable of chilling water to approximately 10 degrees Celsius, the HTV8-Q will keep your child fully refreshed with a cool drink, even in the summer months. If you’re considering an outdoor drinking fountain for your school, youth club or local park, then why not check out the Halsey Taylor HTV8-Q or visitMIW.co.uk for the full range?