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Outdoor Drinking Fountains Built To Stand The Test Of Time

cardross golf courseMIW.co.uk recently sold two outdoor drinking fountains to Cardross Golf Course, a 119 year old golf club found in Dumbarton, only a stone’s throw away from Scotland’s world-famous Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park.

Staff from the course purchased two Halsey Taylor 4591 Stone models to replace the units already installed throughout the course, choosing what is generally considered to be the most popular outdoor drinking fountain for golf clubs and other outdoor areas.

Cardross Golf Course staff met with our sales advisers with hopes of finding an attractive outdoor drinking fountain that would remain in top condition and dispense fresh and clean water, despite the changeable Scottish weather and without the need for regular maintenance. Halsey Taylor’s 4591 outdoor drinking fountains were the ideal choice, as it features a durable but attractive Sierra™ stone aggregate pedestal, and a smoothly contoured stainless steel basin. This high quality finish will not be damaged or degraded by corrosion or bad weather, making sure the 4591 looks the part in golf clubs and public parks alike.

The Halsey Taylor 4591 also features an inlet strainer and an integrated hood guard, maintaining optimum hygiene by filtering dirt and dust from the water supply and preventing the spreading of germs between users. This allows for a refreshing drink even when golfers are out in the great British weather – which is ideal when Scotland’s average winter temperature is 5-7.5 degrees Celsius, annual rainfall reaches an average of 180 inches, and certain areas are hit with gales for up to 30 days per year.

Halsey Taylor’s 4591 is an ideal outdoor drinking fountain for golf clubs, but here at MIW.co.uk we offer a wide variety of other suitable products. If you’d like to know more, please visit us online or contact one of our experienced sales advisers today.