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College cleans up its act

Bright young things need plenty of hydration to keep them firing on all cylinders.

Studies show that access to a drinking fountain or water cooler can have a direct correlation with how much water students on campus drink during the day.

This in turn can improve their concentration, productivity and ultimate achievements in education. 

With traditional water fountains, there’s always been one major flaw, however; the amount of dirty plastic cups they generate.

Not only does this fill up bins and create mess in corridors and changing rooms. It also contributes to the vast levels of plastic being sent to landfill around the world.

The answer is the increasingly popular bottle-filling station, as St Vincent Sixth Form College in Gosport recently discovered.

ELKAY EZH2O Bottle Filling Station

The college enlisted water cooler expert MIW to install five Elkay bottle fillers throughout its site.

The products replaced standard drinking fountains which many students used with plastic cups.

Others tended to buy fizzy drinks, juices and bottled water – creating even more plastic waste on the site.

Elkay EZH2O bottle filling stations are ideal for schools, colleges and universities. They enable users to fill bottles quickly and efficiently – meaning no long queues between lessons and seminars.

And students will get much more usage out of each plastic bottle.

Click here to find out more about our bottle-filling stations and other products or contact us today on 01207 572 000.