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MIW supplies water coolers to the Bank of England

The nation’s premier banking authority and the world’s second oldest central bank has made a sound investment with MIW to boost the wellbeing of its staff.

As well as keeping the country’s finances in good health, the Bank of England has also been taking steps recently to look after the wellbeing of its own staff.

Recognising the importance of keeping employees well hydrated in the workplace, the authority has installed a new water cooler at its HQ in London.

Elkay Bottle Filler Water Cooler Provided By MIW To Bank of England

It enlisted MIW to supply and install the water cooler in the company gym housed within the Bank and chose the Elkay EZH2O model.

This bottle filling station is designed to prevent long queues of thirsty people, and messy spillages, by filling bottles rapidly and efficiently.

It also encourages bottle reuse, promoting sustainability and minimising the amount of plastic cups or single-use plastic bottles going into the Bank’s bins.

Dehydration can cause a number of problems and symptoms, including headaches, dizziness and nausea. It can also seriously hinder concentration and make people irritable – neither of which are conducive to running a successful organisation.

There are many proven benefits of keeping people hydrated at work, including fewer sick days, better productivity and even higher morale.

It is certainly reassuring to know that the Bank of England, which plays such an important national role, is also taking advantage of these benefits – and avoiding the pitfalls of dehydration.

MIW supplies a wide range of water coolers and fountains which are suitable for any environment, including executive, outdoor and industrial.

We also offer our customers the option of hiring our products on a monthly basis, with no lengthy minimum contracts. You can find out more about our products here or by calling 01207 572 000.