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Could high velocity fans keep your business motoring this summer?

Large High Velocity Fan From MIW

Has your organisation switched on to the benefits of high velocity fans yet?

Finding the best temperature to keep every member of staff happy in a workplace can be tricky.

In larger teams there will invariably be people keen to crank up the thermostat at any given opportunity, alongside those who seem impervious to cold.

When the mercury rises in summer, however, it is usually universally accepted that staying cool is the priority.

Warm, stuffy conditions at work – whether that’s in offices, factories, shops, warehouses or kitchens – are like kryptonite to the business of getting things done.

They stifle productivity and boost discontentment – at a time when staff are already often distracted by recent or soon-to-be-enjoyed holidays.

Water coolers are, of course, an essential part of the solution, but more can be done to banish the summer slump in your organisation.

High velocity fans, which come in a wide variety of sizes to suit all types of workplace, are also a must-have in the fight against the solar-powered slowdown at work.

In the UK, where office air conditioning units are only called into action for a fraction of the year, they provide a cost-effective, summertime solution.

They can be wall mounted, free standing or portable and come with multiple speed settings and in an array of different designs – many of which will blend seamlessly into a slick office environment.

At MIW, our most powerful wall mounted fan has the capacity to move 213 cubic metres of air every minute – making it perfect for industrial or commercial use.

Other products in our range include the UK’s best-selling high velocity floor fan which is capable of covering 1,500 sq ft by shifting 12,950 cubic metres of air every hour.

We also stock high velocity fans which are manufactured from lightweight but strong alloy, including those that are chrome plated, making them an ideal fit for modern offices.

High velocity fans are low maintenance and easy to clean and are designed to give the maximum impact for the relatively small amount of power they use.

We have a huge range of high velocity fans, many of which offer fantastic savings when compared to their recommended retail price. Click here to find out more or contact us today on 01207 572 000.