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Bringing A #OneLess Bottle Filler to Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospitals

One of the really lovely things about the jobs MIW has been doing as part of the #OneLess campaign is that we’ve been able to work with some exceptionally worthy organisations. And among the best has to be Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospitals.

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have the NHS to thank for something. Be it the safe delivery of a child, a peaceful resolution to a loved one’s end of life care, or just the treatment of the countless bugs, bumps and bruises that we all face throughout our lives. The staff who work in our hospitals and GP surgeries do an incredible job, and the people who attend them need looking after.

Woman refilling her bottle from the new indoor bottle refill station at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospital.

There’s not much that we can do about that at MIW, but with our most recent #OneLess London Drinking Fountain Fund project we’ve been able to make a small contribution, with the installation of a free-to-use drinking fountain and bottle refill station at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospital.

Why the #OneLess Project Chose Guys and St. Thomas’

Guy’s and St. Thomas’ hospitals are responsible for more than 2.5 million patient contacts per year, and employs 16,200 staff to look after them. If ever there were a location where a #OneLess drinking fountain were guaranteed a high footfall, it’s here.

The primary aim of the 20 fountains MIW has donated to the London Drinking Fountain Fund is to help in the reduction of single-use plastic bottles. In providing free-to-use fountains and bottle fillers, it’s hoped that fewer people will spend money on shop-bought bottled water, thus reducing the amount of waste plastic produced. However, a secondary criterion for the installations is that they would go somewhere where they would make a difference.

Whether you work there, or are being treated, hospitals are stressful places. They’re also usually hot. This means that they’re really rather thirsty places too. Having easy access to cool, fresh drinking water can go a small way towards making things feel better.

New indoor vandal-proof drinking fountain and bottle refill station with Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospitals brandingThe Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Bottle Refill Stations

The Branded Eco-Dispenser HTHB-1500-42 bottle filler was selected for Guy’s and St Tomas’ because it’s capable of dealing with a high volume of users. It’s easy to use, so no matter how busy or how stressed you might be feeling, you’re not going to be struggling with instructions. It’s extremely low-maintenance, with silver ion anti-microbial coating to keep a high level of hygiene, so brings no further burden to the housekeeping team. And it’s vandal-proof, which means that accidental – or not so-accidental – damage shouldn’t ever keep it from functioning.

MIW’s work with the #OneLess campaign has brought so much satisfaction. It’s absolutely tremendous to be doing something that could make a fundamental difference to the environment and be of benefit to generations to come. When you add in clients like Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospitals, that sense of a good job being well done can’t help but grow.