Heatwave Plan for England – Keep Children Safe

The official Department of Health’s heatwave plan for the nation has already been released. No one knows how warm it will get this summer but temperatures are starting to rise after a one of the chilliest May’s on record. The plan has been released to help everyone stay healthy by taking simple precautions, especially those who will be outdoors in hot weather. The Governments Heatwave Plan for England shows how to respond to a heatwave, setting out steps on how to combat the effects of severe heat, particularly in children and other most vulnerable members of the society.

The 2015 heatwave plan comes at a time when thousands have lost their lives in other parts of the world, especially India. In India’s region of Gurgaon, attendance in most government schools has fallen sharply due to serious heatwaves and poor facilities to deal with rising temperatures. Clean drinking water has also dwindled almost to a trickle and children have to queue for a long time just to receive a glass of water in the afternoon.

While a school water dispenser is unheard of in many government schools in Gurgaon, power cuts have compounded the problem. Power and water scarcity have dwindled attendance in virtually all schools by sixty percent. Lots of schools also lack the all important fans required during summer heatwaves and some schools even have to learn in the open.

Heatwave plan for England

This is why the Heatwave plan for 2015 is important to teachers, schools and virtually every parent across England to ensure school children remain safe wherever they are. In August 2003, a heatwave hit the UK affecting more than 2,000 people who required medical treatment in England.

School nurses and health visitors have been asked to provide advice to childcare providers, teachers, schools, young people and parents regarding ways to protect themselves during a heatwave or hot weather. Among others, young people are encouraged to hydrate themselves, avoid cold water diving and reduce extreme sun exposure.

Hydrating children is very important considering their susceptibility to hot weather temperatures. Children who are also on medication as well as those who are overweight are considered at increased risk, including babies below five years of age.

School children with complex health requirements are also susceptible to extreme temperatures. School nurses, family health visitors, child’s doctor and community health practitioners have been requested to advise as much as they can on the specific needs of each child. The government has mandated every school to meet the needs of every school pupil with the support staff informing on the risks involved and their management.

The heatwave plan for England clearly stipulates that reduced access to clean drinking water, especially in schools, must be addressed through distribution of temporary water coolers or drinking water fountains.  Adequate supply of clean drinking water, particularly on very hot days must be done for free according to the government plan.

Perhaps this is why many councils across the country are placing the Halsey Taylor 4420-BFDB-Endura II Tubular Outdoor Bottle Filling Station close to beaches, parks and many other outdoor areas full of people.