Saving The Environment One Bottle At time

Saving the Environment

Frequent followers of the MIW Office Solutions blog may remember an article in late 2013 covering the sale of a HTHB-1800 recessed drinking fountain to Lancaster University Students’ Union. We worked closely with staff from the university to deliver a product that performs to a high enough standard to keep over 12,000 students hydrated, while also supporting the university’s commitment to reducing waste and saving the environment.

There are several reasons that Lancaster University staff chose the HTHB-1800, one of which is a digital LED display that keeps count of the number of plastic bottles saved from landfill by being refilled. At MIW we recently caught up with staff from the university, who were pleased to announce that over 10,000 bottles have already been saved from landfill since the fountain was installed last year. If this continues, LUSU will have saved an impressive 25,000 plastic bottles after only a year of use.

Not only have Lancaster University saved thousands of plastic bottles from landfill, but it has also helped to reduce environmentally damaging emissions – like those produced during the manufacture and transport of new plastic bottles. Plus, the unit’s built-in GreenSpec TM technology has also reduced water and electricity usage by up to 60%. And if this wasn’t enough, staff and students have also saved a fortune by enjoying a refreshing drink free-of-charge, as opposed to buying expensive bottled water.

The drinking fountain is manufactured by Halsey Taylor, a leading name and the world’s largest manufacturer of drinking fountains. As well as helping universities and schools to cut down on environmental waste, the recessed drinking fountain also features Rapid Fill Technology TM – which means up to 680 regular 500ml water bottles can be filled every hour. The unit is also compliant with theADA Disabilities Act, making it suitable for use by wheelchair users or those with visual disabilities.

MIW’s HTHB recessed drinking fountain is now available in two sizes, one designed for primary schools and one for secondary schools, colleges and universities. The likes of Stockport Academy and Lynchett Minster Sixth Form College have already placed orders for the unit, which is proving to be a huge success among educational institutions and offices alike.

Of the HTHB-1800, Lancaster University’s Stuart Powers said:

“We found MIW’s staff to be professional and helpful at all times, from our initial sales enquiry right through to the final installation of the bottle filler. Nothing was too much trouble, and the staff were happy to answer our questions every step of the way. MIW’s staff were keen to understand our requirements and provide the most suitable solution, which in our case was the HTHB-1800 bottle filler. We were impressed by the general quality and functionality but more so the ability to calculate the amount of bottles saved from landfill, this gave us a great opportunity to not only promote green ethics but also provide the figures to prove it! I would not hesitate to recommend them to other educational institutions.”

Why not get in touch with MIW Office Solutions for more information on the HTHB-1800recessed drinking fountain today?