We have updated our Privacy Notice. These changes are designed to provide greater clarity on how we use your personal information and to consolidate previously separate EU and rest-of-world notices into a single document.


Provide high capacity sports bottle refill stations for students

Provide high capacity sports bottle refill stations for students

BREEAM Approved

BREEAM Approved

Aesthetically pleasing

Aesthetically pleasing

Simple to operate

Simple to operate

Robust & hard wearing

Robust & hard wearing



WRAS & CE Approved

WRAS & CE Approved

Equality Act 2010 complient for wheelchair

Equality Act 2010 complient for wheelchair

Rapid filling of sports bottles

Rapid filling of sports bottles

How we met their needs



Provided detailed technical information

Provided detailed technical information

Engineer survey

Engineer survey



What was the outcome?

Supply Halsey Taylor (brand) sports bottle filling stations

Supply Halsey Taylor (brand) sports bottle filling stations

Ongoing service & support

Ongoing service & support