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3 Reasons to Love the Contactless Water Cooler Industry

Since we have been in the water cooler business for over 30 years now, we know a thing or two about the industry. That is why when we started supplying contactless water coolers, we knew they would take off. Flash forward to 2020 and MIW has had to keep up with the rapid increase in demand. Here are just a few reasons why we think you should love the contactless water cooler industry.


Image depicting people preventing the spread of infection

1. Helping to stop the spread of COVID-19 infection from shared facilities

Of course, right now, the thing that is at the forefront of everyone’s mind is the ongoing pandemic. COVID-19 has turned the world on its head. But with our contactless water coolers, we’re doing our bit to help out there too. We’re not scientists or doctors, we can’t help to find a cure for this terrible virus. BUT we can help to stop its spread with the provision of the necessary equipment that can be used without contact. That’s a pretty big deal. 




2. Aiding in the fight against single-use plastic bottles

Image of a collection of plastic cups

Contactless bottle fillers and drinking fountains have become one of the first lines of defence in the war against single-use plastics. In 2017, we reached a stage where the world was literally drowning n waste plastic. Drinks bottles played a significant part in that, with a million bottles a minute being used. Bottle filling stations and drinking fountains have been helping to reverse that tide. At MIW we pride ourselves in making a difference – that is why we have donated bottle fillers to the #OneLess project in London and became partners with Refill. It is great to see that we are enforcing a change in the industry and making a real difference to the environment.



3. The Contactless Water Cooler Industry is constantly evolving and advancing

In the last 30 years, the contactless water cooler industry has progressed from very basic equipment that released bottled water at the press of a drippy button, to high-end, high-tech equipment that we couldn’t have imagined back in the 90s. The equipment today features hand-free sensor operation, UV filtration that kills 99.99% of bacteria and specifically designed and engineered to allow for the utmost accessibility for less able users. Not to mention that there are customisable units, as well as those that can be used as pop-up drinking shops – slurp today, gone tomorrow. There is something new happening almost every day in this industry, whether it’s devices of our own creation, or new products spawning from the genius of suppliers such as Elkay and Halsey Taylor.


So, there you have it! At MIW we are so proud to be part of the contactless water cooler industry and rest assured we will be here, delivering exceptional products and services for many years to come. Are you interested in contactless water dispensers? Let us know how we can help