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Halsey Taylor / Elkay 97890C - Direct Bury Adaptor

Buy £769.00 (£922.80 inc VAT) (RRP £1,089.00)

In Stock

We are always looking for ways to make great products even better. Superior quality and popular features allow our customers to find their perfect drinking solutions. Our products are ideal for medical facilities, schools and universities, office buildings, airports, shopping malls, sports arenas and other high-traffic venues, for both indoor and outdoor installations. Simplifies rough-in and installation for tubular bottle filling and fountain style units.

Please call the sales line to order this product. +44 (0)1207 572 000
Total = £769.00


We are always looking for ways to make great products even better. Superior quality and popular features allow our customers to find their perfect drinking solutions. Our products are ideal for medical facilities, schools and universities, office buildings, airports, shopping malls, sports arenas and other high-traffic venues, for both indoor and outdoor installations.

Simplifies rough-in and installation for tubular bottle filling and fountain style units.