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Push Button Swan Neck Tap for Drinking Fountain with 5/16 Push Fit Connection

Buy £39.99 (£47.99 inc VAT) (RRP £69.00)

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This chrome plated push button goose swan neck tap can be used on water drinking fountains or draining board sink tops, water will cease flowing once the button has been released.

Please call the sales line to order this product. +44 (0)1207 572 000
Total = £39.99


This chrome plated push button goose swan neck tap can be used on water drinking fountains or draining board sink tops, water will cease flowing once the button has been released. Each tap is supplied with a rubber washer and locking nut to help secure the tap in place, also supplied is a 5/16 push fit connector.

Tech Specs Technical specifications are shown as a technical drawing within the photo section.