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5 Metres of 1/4\ Water Feed Pipe Complete With 1/4\ Push Fit Pipe Connector

Buy £23.99 (£28.79 inc VAT) (RRP £29.99)

In Stock

Universal Water Cooler / Fountain pipe used as standard in the majority of UK and European installations. This listing is for 5m of 1/4 inch pipe and comes with a 1/4 to 1/4 push fit straight connector for easy installation onto your existing fountain.

Please call the sales line to order this product. +44 (0)1207 572 000
Total = £23.99


MIW stock a wide range of parts and accessories for Water Coolers and Drinking Fountains. This listing is for 5m of 1/4 water cooler pipe which is used on the vast majority of installations in the UK. Extremely easy to work with and flexible, 1/4 inch pipe can be used for long runs of up to approx 15m from the mains supply without any noticeable drop in water pressure. Check out our other listings in the consumables section.