We have updated our Privacy Notice. These changes are designed to provide greater clarity on how we use your personal information and to consolidate previously separate EU and rest-of-world notices into a single document.


Provide suitable hydration for visitors

Provide suitable hydration for visitors

Aesthetically pleasing

Aesthetically pleasing

Outdoor & weather proof

Outdoor & weather proof

Capable of rapid filling of sports bottles

Equality Act 2010 for wheel chair access

Equality Act 2010 for wheel chair access

WRAS & CE Approved

WRAS & CE Approved

Vandal proof

Vandal proof

How we met their needs

Consultation & site visit

Consultation & site visit

Provided detailed technical information

Provided detailed technical information

Provided BIM files & specification data

Provided BIM files & specification data

Installation support

Installation support

What was the outcome?

Supply of Halsey Taylor outdoor drinking fountains & sports bottle refill stations

Supply of Halsey Taylor outdoor drinking fountains & sports bottle refill stations

Ongoing service & support

Ongoing service & support