We have updated our Privacy Notice. These changes are designed to provide greater clarity on how we use your personal information and to consolidate previously separate EU and rest-of-world notices into a single document.


East Dorset District Council

East Dorset District Council

Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council

Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council

Calday Grange Grammar School

Calday Grange Grammar School

Staffordshire County Council

Staffordshire County Council

The Royal Mint

The Royal Mint

The Carnoustie Golf Club

The Carnoustie Golf Club

Archbishop Blanch School

Archbishop Blanch School

Chipping Norton School

Chipping Norton School

Rydon Community College

Rydon Community College

University of Shrewsbury

University of Shrewsbury

Glasgow Kelvin College

Glasgow Kelvin College

Chelsea FC

Chelsea FC

Southampton University

Southampton University

Bank of England

Bank of England

Bournemouth University

Bournemouth University

Gatwick Airport

Gatwick Airport

Virgin Active Leisure

Virgin Active Leisure

London Refill Project

London Refill Project