We have updated our Privacy Notice. These changes are designed to provide greater clarity on how we use your personal information and to consolidate previously separate EU and rest-of-world notices into a single document.

New Drinking Fountains for St Neots Golf Club

New Drinking Fountains for St Neots Golf Club

MIW’s 3076 Tank Fan Now at our Lowest Price Ever

MIW’s 3076 Tank Fan Now at our Lowest Price Ever

The Forgotten Issue of Water Cooler Sanitisation

The Forgotten Issue of Water Cooler Sanitisation

Halsey Taylor UK: Pure Innovation

Halsey Taylor UK: Pure Innovation

Time for ‘Green’ Tea at Blatch

Time for ‘Green’ Tea at Blatch

Elkay Halsey Taylor Water Coolers Warranty Warning

Elkay Halsey Taylor Water Coolers Warranty Warning

Halsey Taylor UK Supplier: A Decade in Partnership

Halsey Taylor UK Supplier: A Decade in Partnership