We have updated our Privacy Notice. These changes are designed to provide greater clarity on how we use your personal information and to consolidate previously separate EU and rest-of-world notices into a single document.

MIW supplies water coolers to the Bank of England

MIW supplies water coolers to the Bank of England

Park life enhanced by three-tier fountain

Park life enhanced by three-tier fountain

The benefits of a high quality golf centre

The benefits of a high quality golf centre

New Eco School Bottle Filling Station

New Eco School Bottle Filling Station

Let’s Keep The UK Hydrated

Let’s Keep The UK Hydrated

17 Year Old Blake Layman Received a 55 Year Sentence

17 Year Old Blake Layman Received a 55 Year Sentence

The UK Uses 15 Million Plastic Bottles A Day!

The UK Uses 15 Million Plastic Bottles A Day!

New “Green” Anti-Vandal Outdoor Drinking Fountain

New “Green” Anti-Vandal Outdoor Drinking Fountain